A new season dedicated to Women!

Wednesday September 5, 2023

Dear friends,
The sun’s rays are still illuminating our days, but make no mistake about it, we are all back to work!  
And how can we not put the cause of women at the top of our list of concerns when, since August 15, it’s already been 2 years since the Taliban regained power in Afghanistan, oppressing the country’s women and girls a little more every day, and when in a few days’ time, on September 16, it will be a year since the arrest and death of Masha Amini launched the “Woman! Life! Freedom!” movement in Iran.
Throughout the world, women’s rights remain fragile, which is why we believe it is essential to maintain a global vision over this struggle.

With this in mind, since January we’ve been taking part in the G20 summit chaired by the Indian government, as part of the Civil 20 (C20) working group on “Gender Equality and Disability”.
The official closing of the G20 Summit is scheduled for next weekend, September 9 and 10. In parallel, a major global conference will be held, in official partnership with the C20, entitled “Power of Women“.
48 hours of uninterrupted Live to shed new light on issues of equality and empowerment of women.
This premier event will be digitally broadcast on Zoom, YouTube and Facebook Live from September 8 to 10, 2023.
Le Projet Imagine is taking part in the initiative, introducing the conferences with a screening of our film “Women and Men“.
I’m also honored to be one of the 80-plus prestigious speakers from around the world, including diplomat and former UN ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury; the President of the Global Security Council , Jonathan Granoff ; former French Minister for Gender Equality, Elisabeth Moreno; the Chief Economist and Head of Women’s Economic Empowerment at UN Women, Meg Jones; and many more.
To attend these 48H of Live, don’t delay in registering on the following link.
As you can see, this September, more than ever, we’re determined to challenge you, mobilize you, even push you, on all the subjects that help us grow in humanity, altruism and generosity.
Audacity, determination and courage: these are the key words that have guided our thinking and actions since the beginning of our adventure. An adventure that can only exist thanks to you. A thousand thanks, dear friends, for your trust and support! »         

                                         Frédérique Bedos

Your generosity is essential to support our mission.

You can also make a donation by writing a check – addressed to “Les Amis du Projet Imagine”
and send it to: Les Amis du Projet Imagine – 4 rue Saint-Saëns – 75 015 Paris.

Every donation is golden.
By joining forces, we will do great things together!