the imagine team


My passion is to participate in transforming the world. I serve Le Projet Imagine using the financial, non-profit organization and mediation skills which I acquired through my experience in private companies, through having created an educational organization in Japan for students who were failing school, as well as through my additional training in mediation. My role as Secretary General is to ensure that the team and the Endowment Fund are running smoothly. Everyone is doing their share!

Intervention Division

Since 2017, I have been in charge of Frédérique Bedos’ interventions. Because I have been passionate about communication for a long time, because any new meeting is a great enrichment, it is with a great deal of pleasure that I am in touch with men and women from rich and varied backgrounds, enabling them to discover Le Projet Imagine and carry its message far and wide. This is how I help our little hummingbird to spread its beautiful energy, so that everyone can get started doing their part!

Press Relations Division

Because I love focusing the limelight on people and projects whose values I share, I have chosen to use my expertise to serve the NGO (17 years’ PR experience in an agency, followed by 3 years in Communications Management with a health insurance company in connection with a Master’s 2 degree in Communication at CELSA as well as training in marketing), with the aim of boosting the visibility of Frédérique Bedos’ message, and thereby contribute to encouraging as many people as possible to take action for a fairer and more sustainable world. We can do it and we will do it!

Administration Division

With a professional background that was mainly focused on business management, it is with great pleasure that I joined Le Projet Imagine in 2019. Like the legend of the hummingbird, I strive to bring my skills and do my modest share in working for a more just and sustainable society.

NGO representative at the United Nations in New York

I joined Le Projet Imagine after an inspiring talk given by Frédérique Bedos in New York in January 2019. For me, as for so many others, “from inspiration came action!” At that moment, I decided to contribute my skills and professional experience – in communication, project management, education, also related to my Master’s degree research focused on engaging civil society in multi-level governance processes – in order to support the organization’s mission in civic education and as the NGO’s representative to the United Nations in New York. I continue to be inspired by the organization’s generous mindset and the hope it is generating through its multiple projects developed by the Imagine team at the local level, and with a vision of global civic engagement!

NGO representative at the United Nations in New York

I joined Le Projet Imagine in March 2022 as a permanent representative of this non-profit organization towards the United Nations, as soon as I arrived in New York City, after 20 years of living with my family in different continents and countries, being always attentive to the world we live in.
This was made possible thanks to the magical help of Alexandra Philipenko, herself representative of Imagine in Vienna, who put me in contact with Frederique Bedos. The vision of Frederique immediately resonated and inspired me. Her dynamism, her inclusive approach, , her generosity and her benevolence immediately echoed my personal values, like an evidence.
I can safely share here that what drives me deeply is action and interaction. So very naturally, with a lot of humility and joy, I very much embrace my mission as a permanent representative for the United Nations, wishing at my modest level, to move the needle forward, meeting key people, and being United in action simply, to support the organization “project Imagine” in its commitment towards a fairer, more sustainable and inclusive world.

Digital Division

Because I am searching for meaning, it is with great joy that I am becoming a part of Le Projet Imagine.