Le Projet Imagine is spreading its wings in 2020!

”Dear Friends,

As you know, at Le Projet Imagine, we are determined to believe in the best of things, as we are taught so well by the example of our Humble Heroes. Which does not mean that this is an easy thing to do, and covering our eyes when difficulties become obvious is out of the question. 

Our hope lies in a balancing act between refusing black-and-white explanations, in looking for that touch of color, in other words, in embracing the sometimes bittersweet flavor of the poetry of our lives. 

If there is any one person who expresses this subtlety of thought to perfection, it is my dear friend Philippe Courbon, lecturer and founder of the firm Cabinet IDEE. I like to say that Philippe is an enlightened humanist. He has truly devoted his life to chiseling the word HUMANITY in golden letters.

And so I cannot resist sharing with all of you, Dear Friends of Le Projet Imagine, the wonderful wishes that Philip sent me a few days ago. They express so perfectly what I have in my own heart that I am taking the liberty of sharing them with you as they stand. Why share a clumsy paraphrase of something said with such perfection?
Thank you, dear Philippe, and a very beautiful 2020 to all!”

Frédérique Bedos

”Allow me to share with you the following challenge: living in timelessness! Choosing that which is sufficiently beautiful, true, awake, that is becomes worthy of being lived always –  so nothing less than “eternalizing your life”!

I feel it is urgent to discern what we need to “despond” in order to truly understand what we need to “respond” and hope for.

And to do this while being present in the world, open to the fraternal human condition that binds us all. I therefore wish us all, for this new decade, hope, brotherhood, loyalty and the very fuel of our lives – Love!

Looking forward to this together with you, and with all my heart

Philippe Courbon

Votre générosité est essentielle
pour soutenir notre mission. 

Vous pouvez aussi concrétiser votre don par chèque – à l’ordre de “Les Amis du Projet Imagine”
et à envoyer à : Les Amis du Projet Imagine – 4 rue Saint-Saëns – 75 015 Paris.

Chaque don est une pépite.
C’est en unissant nos forces que nous ferons de grandes choses !