Frédérique bedos at the United Nations in Geneva


“Peace is not the absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.”

@Thibaut Bouvier / Event Picture

Frédérique Bedos’ commitment is longstanding and internationally recognized. At the beginning of September, she was invited to speak at a 3-day symposium organized by the United Nations in Geneva, on the various issues and areas covered by the SDGs. Her talk was on the topic of “Peace – Justice and Security”, enabling her to recall one of the Imagine Project’s main purposes: to lead a cultural battle against the fears stemming from the increasingly anxiety-provoking content that is colonizing our imaginations, particularly through the mainstream audiovisual media and many videos on the Internet.


The facts are clear: both in fiction and in the news, violence is being shown everywhere! This generates dark feelings that feed an individualistic momentum, exacerbating selfishness, identitarian inward-looking attitudes which sometimes end in radicalization, with rejection and hatred of the other. Everyone today knows that violence begets violence… By massively circulating stories that put Hope and Commitment back into the core of society, enhancing the individual roles of every person, The Imagine Project has been an essential counter-narrative in the surrounding media universe for more than 10 years. 

@Thibaut Bouvier / Event Picture

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